diff options
authorMaël Gassmann <mael.gassmann@students.bfh.ch>2022-03-17 16:14:17 +0100
committerMaël Gassmann <mael.gassmann@students.bfh.ch>2022-03-17 16:15:27 +0100
commit84428c144e54170ec629b379e1daf86857da2be8 (patch)
parent60ea89a36e2a0258f060aabbcbe435ed1d33b33a (diff)
[~] Refactoring of the FileAssembler, Extraction of methods in PParserHEADmaster
6 files changed, 322 insertions, 265 deletions
diff --git a/inc/FileAssembler.h b/inc/FileAssembler.h
index 0ae61df..8126d51 100644
--- a/inc/FileAssembler.h
+++ b/inc/FileAssembler.h
@@ -3,9 +3,6 @@
#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
-#include <cctype>
-#include <vector>
-#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <regex>
@@ -18,95 +15,17 @@ private:
map<string, string> variables;
map<string, string> templates;
map<string, string> pages;
- vector<string> ordered_posts_indexes;
map<string, string> posts;
- list<string> cached_res;
string get_file_content(string path);
void parse_variables();
- map<string, string> assemble_from_iterator(map<string, string>::iterator it, map<string, string>::iterator end, bool is_post);
- string parse(string title, string content, bool is_post);
- static string parse_arg(string to_parse){
- static std::regex rgx("\\w+\\(([^\\)\\$]*)\\)");
- std::smatch match;
- if (std::regex_search(to_parse, match, rgx))
- return match[1];
- return "";
- }
- vector<string> get_ordered_posts_indexes(){
- vector<pair<string,string>> ordered_posts;
- for (auto& it : posts) {
- ordered_posts.push_back(it);
- }
- sort(ordered_posts.begin(), ordered_posts.end(), cmp_posts);
- vector<string> titles;
- transform(ordered_posts.begin(), ordered_posts.end(), std::back_inserter(titles),
- [](const std::pair<string, string>& p) { return p.first; });
- return titles;
- }
- static bool cmp_posts(pair<string, string>& a, pair<string, string>& b){
- string a_date = parse_arg(a.second);
- string b_date = parse_arg(b.second);
- if(a_date == ""){
- cerr << "Error: swg: Variable 'date' of post '" << a.first << "' is not defined." << endl;
- exit(5);
- }else if (b_date == ""){
- cerr << "Error: swg: Variable 'date' of post '" << b.first << "' is not defined." << endl;
- exit(5);
- }
- static std::regex rgx("(\\d{1,2})\\.(\\d{1,2})\\.(\\d{4})");
- std::smatch a_match;
- std::smatch b_match;
- if (std::regex_search(a_date, a_match, rgx)){ // For now only european swiss format handled
- if (std::regex_search(b_date, b_match, rgx)){ // For now only european swiss format handled
- if(a_match[3] != b_match[3]) // Trying to differentiate by year
- return stoi(a_match[3]) > stoi(b_match[3]);
- if(a_match[2] != b_match[2]) // Trying to differentiate by month
- return stoi(a_match[2]) > stoi(b_match[2]);
- if(a_match[1] != b_match[1]) // Trying to differentiate by day
- return stoi(a_match[1]) > stoi(b_match[1]);
- return false; // or if equal return false
- }else{
- cerr << "Error: swg: Variable 'date' of post '" << b.first << "' is not following the format dd.mm.yyyy." << endl;
- exit(5);
- }
- }else{
- cerr << "Error: swg: Variable 'date' of post '" << a.first << "' is not following the format dd.mm.yyyy." << endl;
- exit(5);
- }
- }
FileAssembler(string path);
- map<string, string> get_pages();
- map<string, string> get_posts();
- list<string> get_cached_resources(){
- return cached_res;
- }
- string get_target(){
- string w = variables["website"];
- static std::regex rgx("\\w+\\.\\w+");
- std::smatch match;
- if (std::regex_search(w, match, rgx))
- return match[0];
- cerr << "Error: swg: website attribute is badly configured!" << endl;
- exit(7);
- }
- string get_index(){
- if(variables.find("index") == variables.end()){
- return "";
- }
- return variables["index"];
- }
+ map<string, string>* get_website();
+ string get_target();
+ string get_index();
- static string lowercase(string s){
- string low = "";
- for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
- low += tolower(s[i]);
- }
- return low;
- }
diff --git a/inc/PParser.h b/inc/PParser.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dad379b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inc/PParser.h
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+#ifndef PP_H
+#define PP_H
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <vector>
+#include <map>
+#include <regex>
+using namespace std;
+class PParser{
+ map<string, string> *variables;
+ map<string, string> *templates;
+ map<string, string> *pages;
+ map<string, string> *posts;
+ vector<string> ordered_posts_indexes;
+ string parse_text(string title, string content, bool is_post);
+ static string* parse_function(string to_parse);
+ static string* parse_separator(string to_parse, string separator);
+ vector<string> get_ordered_posts_indexes();
+ static bool cmp_posts(pair<string, string>& a, pair<string, string>& b);
+ static string lowercase(string s){
+ string low = "";
+ for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
+ low += tolower(s[i]);
+ }
+ return low;
+ }
+ PParser(
+ map<string, string> *variables,
+ map<string, string> *templates,
+ map<string, string> *pages,
+ map<string, string> *posts);
+ map<string, string>* parse();
diff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt b/src/CMakeLists.txt
index 81f1e7d..eac87bf 100644
--- a/src/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ add_executable(
+ PParser.cpp
diff --git a/src/FileAssembler.cpp b/src/FileAssembler.cpp
index 7a64846..3949ca7 100644
--- a/src/FileAssembler.cpp
+++ b/src/FileAssembler.cpp
@@ -1,12 +1,9 @@
#include "../inc/FileAssembler.h"
+#include "../inc/PParser.h"
#include "../inc/maddy/parser.h"
#include <filesystem>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <string.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
-#include <list>
-#include <map>
using namespace std;
namespace fs = filesystem;
@@ -40,7 +37,6 @@ FileAssembler::FileAssembler(string path): path(path){
- ordered_posts_indexes = get_ordered_posts_indexes(); // Only used when a listing of posts in a page is necessary
void FileAssembler::parse_variables(){
@@ -77,154 +73,25 @@ string FileAssembler::get_file_content(string path){
return content;
-map<string, string> FileAssembler::get_pages(){
- return assemble_from_iterator(pages.begin(), pages.end(), false);
+map<string, string>* FileAssembler::get_website(){
+ PParser p = PParser(&variables, &templates, &pages, &posts);
+ return p.parse();
-map<string, string> FileAssembler::get_posts(){
- return assemble_from_iterator(posts.begin(), posts.end(), true);
-map<string, string> FileAssembler::assemble_from_iterator(map<string, string>::iterator it, map<string, string>::iterator end, bool is_post){
- if(templates.find("header.html") == templates.end()){
- cerr << "Error: swg: header.html is not present in the sourced folder." << endl;
- exit(2);
- } else if(templates.find("footer.html") == templates.end()){
- cerr << "Error: swg: footer.html is not present in the sourced folder." << endl;
- exit(2);
- }
- map<string, string> p_it;
- while (it != end){
- if(it->first.substr(0, 5) != "link_"){ // Ignoring link pages
- p_it[it->first] = parse(it->first, templates["header.html"] + it->second + templates["footer.html"], is_post);
- }
- it ++;
- }
- return p_it;
+string FileAssembler::get_target(){
+ string w = variables["website"];
+ static std::regex rgx("\\w+\\.\\w+");
+ std::smatch match;
+ if (std::regex_search(w, match, rgx))
+ return match[0];
+ cerr << "Error: swg: website attribute is badly configured!" << endl;
+ exit(7);
-string FileAssembler::parse(string title, string to_parse, bool is_post){
- string parsed = to_parse;
- string url = variables["website"];
- if(is_post)
- variables["link"] = url + "posts/" + lowercase(title) + ".html";
- else{
- if(title == variables["index"]){
- variables["link"] = url + "index.html";
- }else if(title.substr(0, 5) == "link_"){ // Link
- variables["link"] = pages[title];
- }else{
- variables["link"] = url + lowercase(title) + ".html";
- }
- variables.erase("date"); // we are not doing it if it's a post, because it could be a listing
- }
- // Parsing variables and functions
- size_t pos_first = 0;
- size_t pos_second = 0;
- static std::regex r_expression("\\$([^\\$]*)\\$");
- std::smatch m_expression;
- while (regex_search(parsed, m_expression, r_expression)){
- string input = m_expression[1]; //Group 1 ie. without the dollars
- string output = "";
- if(input == "title") //TITLE
- if(title.substr(0, 5) == "link_") // Link
- output = title.substr(5,title.length()-5);
- else
- output = title;
- else if(input.substr(0, 5) == "date("){
- variables["date"] = parse_arg(input);
- output = variables["date"];
- }else if(variables.find(input) != variables.end()) //VARIABLES
- output = variables[input];
- else if(input.substr(0,4) == "res("){ //RESOURCES
- string full_path = input.substr(4,input.length()-1-4);
- output = url + full_path;
- if(full_path.find("/") != string::npos){
- size_t s;
- string tok;
- string last_tok;
- while ((s = full_path.find("/")) != string::npos){ // Adding the path progressively
- tok = full_path.substr(0,s-1);
- if(find(cached_res.begin(), cached_res.end(), last_tok+tok) == cached_res.end())
- cached_res.push_back(last_tok+tok); // Not found, adding it
- last_tok += tok+"/";
- full_path.erase(0,s);
- }
- }
- if(find(cached_res.begin(), cached_res.end(), input.substr(4,input.length()-1-4)) == cached_res.end())
- cached_res.push_back(input.substr(4,input.length()-1-4)); // Not found, adding it
- } else if(input.substr(0,5) == "list_"){ //LISTINGS
- string name = "";
- int arg = -1;
- static std::regex r_listing("\\_([a-z]*)(\\((\\d*)\\))?");
- std::smatch m_listing;
- if (std::regex_search(input, m_listing, r_listing)){
- name = m_listing[1];
- if(m_listing[3] != "")
- arg = stoi(m_listing[3]);
- }
- string list_template = name + "_listing.html";
- if(templates.find(list_template) == templates.end()){
- cerr << "Error: swg: Listing template '" << list_template << "' does not exist." << endl;
- exit(2);
- }
- if(name == "menu"){
- string current_link = variables["link"];
- map<string, string>::iterator it = pages.begin();
- while (it != pages.end()){
- output += parse(it->first,templates[list_template], false);
- it ++;
- }
- variables["link"] = current_link;
- }else if(name == "post"){
- string current_date = "";
- string current_link = variables["link"];
- if(variables.find("date") != templates.end())
- current_date = variables["date"];
- int i = 0;
- vector<string>::iterator it = ordered_posts_indexes.begin();
- while (it != ordered_posts_indexes.end() &&
- (arg == -1 || i < arg) // Limiting the number of posts shown if arg is set
- ){
- string date = parse_arg(posts[*it]);
- if(date != "")
- variables["date"] = date;
- else{
- cerr << "Error: swg: Variable 'date' of post '" << *it << "' is not defined." << endl;
- exit(5);
- }
- output += parse(*it,templates[list_template], true);
- it ++;
- i ++;
- }
- if(current_date != "")
- variables["date"] = current_date;
- else
- variables.erase("date");
- variables["link"] = current_link;
- }
- }
- if(output.length() == 0){
- cerr << "Error: swg: Invalid swg text section: \"" << input << "\"." << endl;
- exit(4);
- }
- //cout << "BEFORE:" << endl << parsed << endl << endl;
- parsed = regex_replace(parsed, r_expression, output, regex_constants::format_first_only);
- //cout << "AFTER:" << endl << parsed << endl ;
- //cout << endl << "----------------------------------------------------" << endl << endl;
+string FileAssembler::get_index(){
+ if(variables.find("index") == variables.end()){
+ return "";
- return parsed;
+ return variables["index"];
diff --git a/src/PParser.cpp b/src/PParser.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4f478c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/PParser.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+#include "../inc/PParser.h"
+ map<string, string> *variables,
+ map<string, string> *templates,
+ map<string, string> *pages,
+ map<string, string> *posts
+ ): variables(variables),
+ templates(templates),
+ pages(pages),
+ posts(posts)
+ ordered_posts_indexes = get_ordered_posts_indexes(); // Only used when a listing of posts in a page is necessary
+map<string, string>* PParser::parse(){
+ map<string, string>* website = new map<string, string>[2];
+ map<string, string>::iterator it = pages->begin();
+ while (it != pages->end()){
+ if(it->first.substr(0, 5) != "link_"){ // Ignoring link pages
+ website[0][it->first] = parse_text(it->first, (*templates)["header.html"] + it->second + (*templates)["footer.html"], false);
+ }
+ it ++;
+ }
+ it = posts->begin();
+ while (it != posts->end()){
+ website[1][it->first] = parse_text(it->first, (*templates)["header.html"] + it->second + (*templates)["footer.html"], true);
+ it ++;
+ }
+ return website;
+string* PParser::parse_function(string to_parse){
+ static std::regex rgx("(\\w+)\\(([^\\)\\$]*)\\)");
+ std::smatch match;
+ if (std::regex_search(to_parse, match, rgx)){
+ string* r = new string[2];
+ r[0] = match[1].str();
+ r[1] = match[2].str();
+ return r;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+string* PParser::parse_separator(string to_parse, string separator){
+ static std::regex rgx("(\\w+)" + separator + "(\\w+)");
+ std::smatch match;
+ if (std::regex_search(to_parse, match, rgx)){
+ string* r = new string[2];
+ r[0] = match[1].str();
+ r[1] = match[2].str();
+ return r;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+bool PParser::cmp_posts(pair<string, string>& a, pair<string, string>& b){
+ string a_date = parse_function(a.second)[1];
+ string b_date = parse_function(b.second)[1];
+ if(a_date == ""){
+ cerr << "Error: swg: Variable 'date' of post '" << a.first << "' is not defined." << endl;
+ exit(5);
+ }else if (b_date == ""){
+ cerr << "Error: swg: Variable 'date' of post '" << b.first << "' is not defined." << endl;
+ exit(5);
+ }
+ static std::regex rgx("(\\d{1,2})\\.(\\d{1,2})\\.(\\d{4})");
+ std::smatch a_match;
+ std::smatch b_match;
+ if (std::regex_search(a_date, a_match, rgx)){ // For now only european swiss format handled
+ if (std::regex_search(b_date, b_match, rgx)){ // For now only european swiss format handled
+ if(a_match[3] != b_match[3]) // Trying to differentiate by year
+ return stoi(a_match[3]) > stoi(b_match[3]);
+ if(a_match[2] != b_match[2]) // Trying to differentiate by month
+ return stoi(a_match[2]) > stoi(b_match[2]);
+ if(a_match[1] != b_match[1]) // Trying to differentiate by day
+ return stoi(a_match[1]) > stoi(b_match[1]);
+ return false; // or if equal return false
+ }else{
+ cerr << "Error: swg: Variable 'date' of post '" << b.first << "' is not following the format dd.mm.yyyy." << endl;
+ exit(5);
+ }
+ }else{
+ cerr << "Error: swg: Variable 'date' of post '" << a.first << "' is not following the format dd.mm.yyyy." << endl;
+ exit(5);
+ }
+vector<string> PParser::get_ordered_posts_indexes(){
+ vector<pair<string,string>> ordered_posts;
+ for (auto& it : *posts) {
+ ordered_posts.push_back(it);
+ }
+ sort(ordered_posts.begin(), ordered_posts.end(), cmp_posts);
+ vector<string> titles;
+ transform(ordered_posts.begin(), ordered_posts.end(), std::back_inserter(titles),
+ [](const std::pair<string, string>& p) { return p.first; });
+ return titles;
+string PParser::parse_text(string title, string to_parse, bool is_post){
+ string parsed = to_parse;
+ string url = (*variables)["website"];
+ if(is_post)
+ (*variables)["link"] = url + "posts/" + lowercase(title) + ".html";
+ else{
+ if(title == (*variables)["index"]){
+ (*variables)["link"] = url + "index.html";
+ }else if(title.substr(0, 5) == "link_"){ // Link
+ (*variables)["link"] = (*pages)[title];
+ }else{
+ (*variables)["link"] = url + lowercase(title) + ".html";
+ }
+ (*variables).erase("date"); // we are not doing it if it's a post, because it could be a listing
+ }
+ // Parsing variables and functions
+ size_t pos_first = 0;
+ size_t pos_second = 0;
+ static std::regex swg_expression("\\$([^\\$]*)\\$");
+ std::smatch m_swg_expression;
+ while (regex_search(parsed, m_swg_expression, swg_expression)){
+ string input = m_swg_expression[1]; //Group 1 ie. without the dollars
+ string output = "";
+ if(string *separator = parse_separator(input, "_")) // LISTINGS
+ { // Can have 0 or 1 argument
+ if(separator[0] == "list")
+ {
+ cout << "Type: " << separator[0] << ", Variation: " << separator[1] << endl;
+ int arg = -1;
+ string *function = parse_function(input);
+ if (function != NULL)
+ arg = stoi(function[1]);
+ string list_template = separator[1]+ "_listing.html";
+ if((*templates).find(list_template) == (*templates).end())
+ {
+ cerr << "Error: swg: Listing template '" << list_template << "' does not exist." << endl;
+ exit(2);
+ }
+ if(separator[1] == "menu")
+ {
+ string current_link = (*variables)["link"];
+ map<string, string>::iterator it = (*pages).begin();
+ while (it != (*pages).end())
+ {
+ output += parse_text(it->first,(*templates)[list_template], false);
+ it ++;
+ }
+ (*variables)["link"] = current_link;
+ }
+ else if(separator[1] == "post")
+ {
+ string current_date = "";
+ string current_link = (*variables)["link"];
+ if((*variables).find("date") != (*templates).end())
+ current_date = (*variables)["date"];
+ int i = 0;
+ vector<string>::iterator it = ordered_posts_indexes.begin();
+ while (it != ordered_posts_indexes.end() &&
+ (arg == -1 || i < arg)) // Limiting the number of posts shown if arg is set
+ {
+ string date = parse_function((*posts)[*it])[1];
+ if(date != "")
+ (*variables)["date"] = date;
+ else
+ {
+ cerr << "Error: swg: Variable 'date' of post '" << *it << "' is not defined." << endl;
+ exit(5);
+ }
+ output += parse_text(*it,(*templates)[list_template], true);
+ it ++;
+ i ++;
+ }
+ if(current_date != "")
+ (*variables)["date"] = current_date;
+ else
+ (*variables).erase("date");
+ (*variables)["link"] = current_link;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if(string *function = parse_function(input)) // FUNCTIONS
+ { // *always* have *ONE* argument
+ cout << "Function: " << function[0] << ", Arg: " << function[1] << endl;
+ if(function[0] == "date") // date
+ {
+ (*variables)["date"] = function[1];
+ output = function[1];
+ }
+ else if(function[0] == "res") // resources
+ {
+ string full_path = function[1];
+ output = url + full_path;
+ }
+ }
+ else // KEYWORDS
+ {
+ cout << "Input: " << input << endl;
+ if(input == "title") // Title
+ {
+ string* s = parse_separator(title, "_");
+ if(s != NULL && s[0] == "link") // Link
+ output = s[1];
+ else
+ output = title;
+ }
+ else if((*variables).find(input) != (*variables).end()) //Variables
+ output = (*variables)[input];
+ }
+ if(output.length() == 0){
+ cerr << "Error: swg: Invalid swg text section: \"" << input << "\"." << endl;
+ exit(4);
+ }
+ //cout << "BEFORE:" << endl << parsed << endl << endl;
+ parsed = regex_replace(parsed, swg_expression, output, regex_constants::format_first_only);
+ //cout << "AFTER:" << endl << parsed << endl ;
+ //cout << endl << "----------------------------------------------------" << endl << endl;
+ }
+ return parsed;
diff --git a/src/main.cpp b/src/main.cpp
index 634d6fc..cb5ad2f 100644
--- a/src/main.cpp
+++ b/src/main.cpp
@@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
#include "../inc/FileAssembler.h"
#include <filesystem>
-#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <string>
+#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
@@ -21,6 +19,14 @@ void write_file(string path, string content){
+static string lowercase(string s){
+ string low = "";
+ for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
+ low += tolower(s[i]);
+ }
+ return low;
int generateWebsite(string arg, string config){
// cout << arg << " " << config << endl;
if(config[config.length()-1] != '/')
@@ -28,8 +34,7 @@ int generateWebsite(string arg, string config){
FileAssembler *fa = new FileAssembler(config);
* clean or don't clean*/
- map<string, string> pages = fa->get_pages();
- map<string, string> posts = fa->get_posts();
+ map<string, string>* website = fa->get_website();
string target = fa->get_target();
string index = fa->get_index();
@@ -41,43 +46,27 @@ int generateWebsite(string arg, string config){
cerr << "Error: swg: Directory '" << target << "/posts' could not be created!" << endl;
- map<string, string>::iterator it = pages.begin();
- while(it != pages.end()){
+ map<string, string>::iterator it = website[0].begin();
+ while(it != website[0].end()){
if(it->first == index){
write_file(target+"/index.html", it->second);
- write_file(target+"/"+FileAssembler::lowercase(it->first)+".html", it->second);
+ write_file(target+"/"+lowercase(it->first)+".html", it->second);
- it = posts.begin();
- while(it != posts.end()){
- write_file(target+"/posts/"+FileAssembler::lowercase(it->first)+".html", it->second);
+ it = website[1].begin();
+ while(it != website[1].end()){
+ write_file(target+"/posts/"+lowercase(it->first)+".html", it->second);
- if (false){ // Only copying the cached resources vs all of them
- /** list<string> resources = fa->get_cached_resources();
- list<string>::iterator res = resources.begin();
- while(res != resources.end()){
- error_code ec;
- fs::copy(config+"resources/"+*res, target+"/"+*res,ec);
- if(ec.value() != 0){
- cerr << "Error: swg: Resource file '" << *res << "' could not be copied!" << endl;
- exit(6);
- }
- res ++;
- }
- **/
- }else{
- // Recursively copies all files and folders from src to target and overwrites existing files in target.
- try{
- fs::copy(config+"resources/", target, fs::copy_options::overwrite_existing | fs::copy_options::recursive);
- }catch (std::exception& e){
- std::cout << e.what(); // TODO better print
- }
+ // Recursively copies all files and folders from src to target and overwrites existing files in target.
+ try{
+ fs::copy(config+"resources/", target, fs::copy_options::overwrite_existing | fs::copy_options::recursive);
+ }catch (std::exception& e){
+ std::cout << e.what(); // TODO better print
return 0;